August 21, 2006 - 25 Years!

Twenty-five years of love and growth!
From Dave to Renee
Twenty-five years ago we married.
Today we stand together as son and daughter of the great King.
Today we stand with a glorious legacy of six children.
Today we stand with a testimony of love that brings us great joy, others great hope, and our King great glory.
Renee, I am more in love with you today than I was yesterday.
Till we depart this world, I am happily yours...
From Renee to Dave (via an e-mail to the world!)
Hello all,
I'm sitting here enjoying some quiet minutes before all the kids get up, thinking about all the blessings God has poured out on my life (in the past 25 years especially, since today is our 25th wedding anniversary!). I am overwhelmed by the many things that come to mind:
I have a wonderful relationship with a dear man who loves God and me deeply, who is committed to the welfare of our family, who takes care of all of our needs-- financially, fixing things, doing maintenance, overseeing our spiritual lives, overseeing homeshool, serving his family in big and little ways (e.g. doing the dishes when he is exhausted). He is very involved in ministry to spread the good news of salvation with MESSENGERS, leading a bible study, faithfully working at NWA with a positive attitude when there are few to be found there, always wanting to look for and meet the needs of others, being a loving and kind neighbor, very happy in the life God has given us. I am moved to tears with the rememberance of those and many other blessings from the hand of King Jesus to me, in giving me my wonderful husband, Dave.
Just wanted to share my thankfulness to God, my deep contentment with my life in every area, my strong and ever-growing love for my husband, and my hope for a future filled with days of honoring God through our relationship, and in our parenting, and in all the other roles we have in life... I am truly happy, fulfilled, and extremely grateful for all the Lord has done for me. HE HAS MADE ME GLAD!!
Update! Update! You promised! ;o)
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