Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Snow in Minneapolis!

After a very mild winter, March brought in two snow storms that dropped 10" and then 7" on us. The kids and dog seemed to enjoy. I guess I didn't mind too much. Beleive it or not, I think the first snow was only the second or third time I used my 20 year old snowblower. It still works! My neighbors are glad for that (that word neighbor is a funny word. What does the person who lives next to me have to do with the sound that a horse makes? Or what does the sound a horse make have to do with the person who lives next to me?)

Take a look at Chase's eyes in the first picture- he looks like he has figured out how these snowballs work and he isn't trusting anyone anymore. He just got a haircut and I think he is "posing"!

The snow was kind of deep for him. But he had a blast- just like the kids.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Sleepless in Seattle

The girls (Renee, Katie, and Erin) went to Seattle with Lotis to visit Abbie and her mom. Looks like they had a bit of fun. I had to double check to see what was in those green bottles they were drinking out of (turned out to be Ginger Ale- honest!).

Katie said she liked the crab. Looks like they enjoyed the market. And it was raining- but they were in Seattle after all!

Amy, Keith, and Allie and I were left here all alone to fend for ourselves. We had a good time though. And I discovered something.

You see, our house is sometimes kind of noisy. And, I used to think that it was the littlest amongst us who made it that way. But, it was really quiet while Katie and Erin were away. I can only conclude they are the source of most of the noise. Unless, of course, it is Renee- she wasn't here during that quiet time either.

Wanna be happy?

Psalm 37:4
"Delight youself in the Lord, and He will grant you the desires of your heart."

Wow! Did you know we are commanded to be happy. We don't have to be miserable and just do our duty. In fact, we have the greatest One of all promising to fullfill our greatest dream- to be happy. He says He will give us the "...desires of our heart." The promise giver could not be more trustworthy (if He says He will, then He can and will deliver), and the promise could not be sweeter (what could you want more than the desires of your heart?).

There is a catch. The Promise Maker, is the one we are to delight in. Our desires are to have Him at the root. Bottom line is, if we want to be happy, if we want to be holy, if we want the promises of God to be promises to us, then we must set our hearts and our eyes and our hopes on Him. He will make us happy- with Himself.

Oh, I believe- help me Lord, my unbelief!